Looking best BBQ Smokers for sale?
Smoking your meats, fish, and poultry takes you back to our pioneer ancestors. They used smoke to preserve meat for later and a way for hunters to bring back the fruit of their hunting.
Many today are smoking their food to save on the high cost of meat and buying in bulk to save big bucks every year.

Smoke: The secret to preserving meats and making some of the best BBQ ever
But, there is an even better reason to smoke your foods. It cooks it with a flavor that you can only get in top end restaurants. A smoked steak has a flavor all its own and when you taste one you’ll wonder why you have never tried smoking before. However, if you want a taste of heaven put a slab of ribs or a pork shoulder inside and get back some of the best Q you ever tasted. These are just a few reasons we have scoured Amazon to bring you the 5 best BBQ smokers you can find anywhere today. We found the top BBQ smokers for sale for you.
Best BBQ Smokers Comparison
We will now feature their highlights and the thoughts of their owners along with the musings of our reviewer who has been an avid Q’er for over 20 years. We will also give you our pick for the best one of the bunch and give you the bargain basement one that gives you that wonderful smoky taste and at a low low price. Now, sit back a get the lowdown on the best BBQ smokers on the Net.
Here is an updated version of Weber’s classic BBQ smokers and you’ll find it in backyards all over America.
Weber made a few changes that you asked for, primarily putting in a thermometer to help you monitor the inside temp to give you just the right amount of heat and smoke for perfect Barbecuing every time.
It still has everything that makes it one of the best smokers on the market and best bbq smokers for sale today.
Priced right and delivers that rich smoked taste, which with your favorite sauce means good eating for everyone at your next cookout.
● With two grates you have enough room for 8 slabs of ribs on 481 inches of cooking space
● Made from porcelain-coated steel
● Water pan door
● Bottom end Ash can
● Water pan, a vented bowl to control the heat
● You have also a 10-year limited warranty
- I own 4 smokers in various sizes and this if my favorite. Even heat and always perfect smoked flavor coming out
- I can have a bird ready for the table in a short time at 320-350 degrees. Sausage never tasted better than when it comes out of a Weber
- I compete and I take these smokers to all the BBQ events in my home state of Kansas. WSMs do need to be seasoned first, but after that, you get world class barbecue anytime you want i
- Adding the water door was a major improvement on a great smoker
- It leaks a bit, though some tinfoil fixes that
- The handle could be better. Mine didn’t make halfway through the 10-year warranty period
Reviewer’s thoughts
When you want Barbecue, there is no substitute for the classic. This reviewer cut their teeth on this smoker way way back then and the new updated version is a great take on the original.
This smoker isn’t perfect. It leaks here and there. However, what product doesn’t have a few quirks?
The two grates can handle eight or more slabs if you side mount them and remember to only open the lid to brush on you Q sauce in quick spurts to keep the heat on an even keel.
Though not as fancy as some smoker BBQs, out there, it does the job and the taste is just right.
Here is the crème Del la crème of smoker BBQs. You can almost fit 2 dozen burgers on its cooking surface with ease. Chickens and ribs have plenty of room. You can do them all on its three burner gas grill. However, if you are looking for that smoked Q taste, don’t worry you are covered.
With its smoke box, smoking a slab or two of ribs is simple. If that isn’t enough, you can switch this smoker grill to a being a charcoal grill to get you that classic grill flavor that many still crave in this land of low carbon footprints. However, if you want that sear that locks in all the flavor on a cut of meat you finally have an infrared searer.
You have almost every kind of BBQ and Grilling method devised by man in one single BBQ Smoker Combo. This means that at any backyard cookout or pool party no one goes away hungry or their taste for Q unsatisfied. This is the BBQ smoker that you’ve always wanted and Amazon delivers.
● 4 way cooking at your command
● Large cooking area
● LP gas runs 3 burners
● Ceramic Infrared Searer
● Smoker Firebox
● Charcoal Grill for tradition grilling and BBQ
- I cook Chicken, Fish, Beef, and Brats anyway people want them. A steak is seared on either to seal in its flavor. Then pop it into the smoker to finish the job for some of the best taste this side of paradise.
- My first rack of ribs was spectacular
- Season the grill first then you get the best BBQ you ever tasted
- Takes a bit of time to put together, but it is worth the work. Ribs and steaks come out perfect. The kids love the smoked Italian sausage and hot dogs
- Great BBQ every time
- Buy a cover and use it and your grill will last almost forever
- I’ve smoked hundreds of pounds of meat and still going after 3 years
- My neighbors all want to stop by when they smell BBQ in the air. It smokes, grills, and will do any kind of cue you want in record time
- Great for the backyard chef as you can do it all at the same time with Steaks, Ribs, and Birds
- If the people want burgers you can grill ’em in quantity along with dogs and brats
• You definitely need a weather cover to stop rust. I also put on a coat of rust proof paint to be on the safe time
• After 4 years, I have rust everywhere
Reviewer’s thoughts
You have here a great way to hold a cookout with all the best ways to get a BBQ done right with this combo grill smoker. The major problem is that some don’t want to do the simple things to protect their grill.
Weather covers and using good common sense will let a grill last for years. My grills have lasted for decades. I clean them and spray on rust proofing for the exposed metal. Having been in the Navy this becomes second nature.
When you get past this, you have one of the versatile grills on the market. You can smoke, char, sear, and grill up any food or combination of foods around. Grill burgers and go in quantity to feed the kids and their friends. You can do up chicken that would make the Colonel sigh with envy. However, the king of them all is a slab of ribs with your favorite Barbecue sauce.
When you want the best in a BBQ Smoker experience this is the grill you want on your patio or deck
Electricity has been used to create our world since the days of Tesla and the invention of AC. WE now use it for everything from our PCs to our Smartphones. However, one thing isn’t mentioned.
That being, how well Electricity can smoke and cook food for the backyard chef. Masterbuilt has taken the lightning of Zeus and turned it to our cooking pleasure. 730 sq inches of cooking area you can do ribs and your shoulder with ease. Smoked sausage comes out with a smoke flavor all its own.
You have digital control over the temperature. You simply add wood chip at the side along with the removal of grease. You have a top mounted air damper to control the amount of smoke and you get for all this some of the best bbq you have had at a cookout or backyard BBQ.
● 30 inches in height and 720ninches of cooking space
● Electricity furnishes the heat
● You have digital precision with a timer and thermostat
● Side opening for wood chips
● Grease pan that removes easily for cleaning
● The top mount vent control the amount of smoke and flavor of the finished dish
● Well insulated for your protection and better cooking
● Can be loaded down with careful planning for 200 pounds of meat
- 4 racks of ribs are no problem
- I get a great flavor and I don’t have to fuss with charcoal briquettes
- Cooks faster with better control
- I can smoke a brace of chicks, sausages, and other cuts simply and with ease
- Convenient to use and easy to clean
- I can preserve a lot of meat when it goes on sale for later enjoyment
- Makes some of the best Jerked Chicken around
- If you want the real taste of smoke this is the way to go
- My family, friends, and neighbors all love coming to my home for a taste of real BBQ flavor the way it was meant to be
- Get it done right and quicker than with a Weber
- Replacing the heating element can be difficult
- It looks great but it does raise the electric bill
Reviewer’s thoughts
Getting a modern take on tradition BBQ is what technology has given us. Masterbuilt does a good job of getting Q to your table in a modern and efficient manner. There is plenty of room in the smoker and it can put out a lot of smoked products on demand. This is a good way to stretch the food budget in this time of shrinking salaries and rising prices.
The only flies in the ointment is the replacement of the heating element and the effect on your electric bill. It takes amps to run the smoker and it needs to be run for a length of time that if you are watching your utility budget might need to be watched.
However, for the occasional smoker feast, it will give you all the smoked BBQ you could want and make for an enjoyable outdoor afternoon of food, friends, and family.
The classic barrel cooker returns with our friends at the Pit Barrel Cooker Company. With its many hooks, you can hang meat from its side to get that perfected smoke taste and cooked to perfection. You also have the tradition grate that let you put ribs, chicken and fish inside for a wonderful smoked flavor and makes your backyard a place where the smells and will drive people in the neighborhood wild with hunger and envy. Shaped like the traditional 55-gallon drum cooker it retains all the things that made them icons for BBQ and smokers.
This version combines the best of all world with charcoal for heat and wood chips of your choice for smoke and preserving meats, game, fish, and poultry. You stretch your food dollars and get fabulous flavor at the same time. This is a win=win in anyone’s book. However, it is also easy to set up and use by virtually any backyard and tailgate.
The cooker can be moved to any venue and then let the food cook while you enjoy watching your favorite sport. Then when the game is over, whether your team wins or loses, you have the best BBQ and smoked foods to celebrate or mourn the loss with. But, who can stay down when they are munching on BBQ Ribs or a Cubano Pulled pork or beef sandwich?
Throw in an ice-cold beverage and you almost forget about the results of the game.
● Bronze finished lid that wouldn’t rust
● Auto start up
● Electronic auto start
● Digital control of heat and fuel feed
- Cookouts take on a festive air and a blast from the past with this classic cooker
- Food comes out perfectly smokes and makes some of the best BBQ I ever tasted
- Easy to set up and fill it with your favorites. Mine is sausage and I pack along my special marinara sauce which fits down inside to heat. Then I have the best BBQ Italian Sausage Sandwiches ever
- BBQ ribs cook evenly and taste wonderful. You don’t need to slather them with sauce as the smoke imparts a perfect taste that stands by itself
- Makes BBQ more fun and gives added flavor to everything I cook in my backyard now
- Takes a bit of practice to doing things right and adjusting the height of the charcoal is you want to use it like a grill
Reviewer’s thoughts
Doing Q in this fashion reminds me of walking down by the docks. You see the workers standing around barrels warming their hands in the winter. Some grill their meals on them as well.
This cooker incorporates all those memories. It then adds a smoker to the mix as you drop the heat and the grate inside. Then you can smoke up you some ribs, and hang sausages to be cooked perfectly and with a smoked taste that only hickory can bless them with.
It takes a bit to get used to but when you have mastered this simple yet refined method of cooking you find you will find it hard to go back to your Webber kettle grill again.
Traeger takes the 55-gallon grill adds a firebox, which in itself would be a great take on a
Chicago South Side Classic. But, they added a new twist with firing this smoker BBQ grill with wood pellets. This then takes smoking BBQ to a whole new level of taste and cooking artistry. The auger drive gives you an even heat not found with Charcoal as they put out uneven heat.
However, there is more with an auto-start feature and a digital control of operation and temperature as well. Now you take your grilling and smoked BBQ to a new height of sophistication and going from charcoal to a renewable energy source as well.
You get a delicious smoked taste along with cutting down on our depleted fossil fuel supply and lowering the carbon footprint of your home as well.
● Bronze finished lid that wouldn’t rust
● Auto start up
● Electronic auto start
● Digital control of heat and fuel feed
- Save cash on your fuel as pellets are cheaper
- Smokes everything from Salmon steaks to Game Hens
- Tastes like nothing else
- Chicken comes out full of flavor and done just right
- Easier to start than charcoal, No matches, paper, or starting fluid
- A grill my wife likes, as it doesn’t leave ashes everywhere. It has a handy ash bucket that takes care of it all
- Get the right pellets for best smoke and flavor
- Traeger has changed hands and there are QC issues these days
Reviewer’s thoughts
The reviewer loves two grills on the market, Webber and Traeger. However, Traeger’s quality has dipped since it went overseas. Perhaps the next President will make American companies return to these shores where quality can become a watchword instead of a joke.
However, with the negatives aside this product will cook, smoke, and grill as advertised. The amount of smoke depends on the auger setting. I set mine to slower than they set it by default. we also add herbs and spices along with black tea to add to the flavor of my smoked meats. This adds variety and zest to you cooking.
Though the quality at Traeger has taken a hit, the new CEO is actively working to bring things back to the days of Traeger’s best years. The reviewer is waiting to see the results.
The Best of the Best BBQ Smokers For Sale
Then you can have the best of all worlds for your Backyard BBQs and cookouts. You can do outdoor cookery with 4 different styles of barbecuing, using charcoal, wood smoke, and gas for the majority of your recipes. For special steaks and cuts of meat, you can use the searer to put that seal that locks flavor inside in a flash of infrared energy.
So, now when you want the best, you know where to get the best BBQ Smoker Grill for sale on Amazon or if you are on a shoestring budget, you might want to go with our “Cheap” selection of second favorite listed below…
Cheapest and does what you want is…
Still a classic and gets you some of the best Smoked BBQ ribs ever. It is still one of the most economical buys as well. You can get one yourself by just clicking on the URK below and try one at your next cookout. Once you do, you may never go back to your old ways of doing BBQ again.
Final thoughts
There you have it a delicious way to create BBQ masterpieces for home and friends. Your cookouts flavor will take on a new direction and smoke may become your best friend. The Q you prepare by smoking is full bodied and robust bursting with flavor.
You can go with our recommendation of the “Smoke Hollow 4-in-1” for the best BBQ smokers grill or decide to go with the classic Weber. You have three other choices as well that all provide excellent Q for when you decide to have an outdoor party or family cookout.
Smoking was once used to keep meat from going stale no it still does this and will save you cash at the checkout counter. However, many today look at smoking and a way to get some of the best tasting BBQ ribs on the planet along with doing pork, fish, and chicken. Jerked Chicken is a Caribbean delicacy and it can now be yours as well along with Cubano Pulled Pork and other smoked dishes you were never able to cook up until now easily.
Smoke makes it fun and gives you a new taste treat. So, click on the best BBQ smokers grill you like and start enjoying it today.
The post Best BBQ Smokers For Sale 2017 | Top 5 Review appeared first on Best BBQ Grill Review.
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